A few photos from an afternoon stroll around Lady Mary’s Walk outside Crieff, and up Laggan Hill.
River-bank shenanigins:
Views from the riverbank: washed-up plant matter dangling as light reflects across the water. I’m pretty sure this is evidence of beavers on the River Earn – tree bark removed up to about 2.5′ above the ground with a fine repetitive chisel marking pattern remaining. Sparseness: a few bright red berries remaining on bare twigs I’m pretty sure this is evidence of beavers on the River Earn – tree bark removed up to about 2.5′ above the ground with a fine repetitive chisel marking pattern remaining.
Along an avenue of Beech trees
Details that catch one’s eye even in a well-known location: the avenue of beech trees along Lady Mary’s Walk outside Crieff A well-known scene: the avenue of beech trees along Lady Mary’s Walk outside Crieff A well-known scene: the avenue of beech trees along Lady Mary’s Walk outside Crieff A simple silhouette: almost-bare beech tree branches and twigs, a filigree against the sky beyond.
And a favourite tree – always think it looks italicised, leaning at that angle.