Individually. I hold the idea of nationality very loosely: it sometimes applies but does not define. I rate people trying to live their lives far higher than the games of politicians playing nations.
Thoughtfully. Manifestos have been read; factors – economic, political, constitutional, cultural, socially – considered, their importances determined; a decision has been reached.
Carefully. The way things are looking, half the population is likely to be upset whatever happens. There will be a need to restore peace.
Independently. The presentation of the campaigns as a bickering of two opposing factions has not been attractive. First the reasoning and decision, then the labelling with political ideology (or preferably not at all).
Proudly. It has not been an easy summer, and getting to the stage of holding this poll-card in my hands has taken considerably more organization than intended.
Humbly. I am glad to have a voice in the running of the land I call home.