More fruitfulness – the first few tomatoes beginning to grow
Category Archives: home and garden
Fuzzy Friend
It appears to be summer – too hot for me, and even Dog doesn’t seem to like it that much, taking to lying in the hall in the middle of the house to stay cool. Walkies is best done in the woodland where it stays pleasantly cool and the light is beautifully dappled.
Back in the land of the living
The proper mobile phone has returned from its second unauthorised leave of repair absence, and has been reformatted and flashed with a custom ROM (Ultimate N7000 XXLT4 JellyBean 4.1.2 v6 for the Samsung Galaxy Note, no less) which seems to be a whole load faster than before. So to celebrate, have a quick photo of the (intentionally, honest) wildflower meadow section of the garden.
Yay, and verily hallelujah!
And now back to reinstalling and reconfiguring all the apps I used previously…
Am I elegant enough? Am I?
It’s been a hard day for Dog – no bed (been cleaned), chasing birds and playing in the garden.
Presumably the gravel is warm, but how on earth does he find it comfortable enough to snooze on?!
Dog’s favourite position – the maximum bright sunlight for optimum pose factor. Please excuse the garish stripy carpet.
Tidying up
Last weekend’s bonfire resulted in more than a wheelbarrow full of ash, some of which went in the compost; burning the wooden rubbish the previous occupants left over the bank garden fence resulted in several nails and screws lurking in the ash. Still, no physics geek would be complete without a magnet – make that a big magnet – it made a great job of lifting hidden metal detritus.
Blue, pink and green
More bluebells
Win Small
Dwarf Hyacinth
Beautiful blue in beautiful light.