After a morning of walking the dog into the village and back (0.8mi either way) and digging over yet another vegetable bed, I’m about as knackered as this old fork the previous occupants left in the garden (presumably as an object of art, that being an excuse for quite a lot of things…).
Author Archives: spodzone
Tidying up
Last weekend’s bonfire resulted in more than a wheelbarrow full of ash, some of which went in the compost; burning the wooden rubbish the previous occupants left over the bank garden fence resulted in several nails and screws lurking in the ash. Still, no physics geek would be complete without a magnet – make that a big magnet – it made a great job of lifting hidden metal detritus.
Above the Harbour
Blue, pink and green
More bluebells
Win Small
Lenticular Clouds
This particular shape of cloud normally requires mountains or hills in order to form, so I was mildly surprised to see a couple of examples of lenticular clouds near Portpatrick yesterday evening – Galloway not being noted for having any hills to speak of, least of all to the north west of here where the wind was coming from.
Water, water, everywhere
Saturday was wet. Very wet.
This was the view just outside Portpatrick, at the corner of the Dunskey B-road turnoff, water flooding off the hill onto the road.
On arriving home, I discovered a drain outside the gate was unable to cope with the sudden rain, and a gutter-load of water was flowing in a channel down the driveway, pushing gravel through the gate.
It took half an hour’s shovelling gravel to persuade some of the water to flow into a flowerbed the other side of the fence; in the meantime, the garage was flooded about 3in deep.
A couple of days later and the scale of damage caused is clear; while the driveway is now arguably better than it was before, roadside embankments have obviously suffered
as has the road surface – the erosion from gravel and dirt flowing over tarmac is quite severe:
Strange Attractors and TCP/IP Sequence Number Analysis
This page is an oldie but still amazingly useful. Executive summary: using phase-space plots to reveal non-random patterns in various operating systems’ TCP/IP sequence numbers which leave them vulnerable to attack through predictability.
Dwarf Hyacinth
Beautiful blue in beautiful light.