The last batch of photos from the Perth winter street festival – fuzzy things – more reindeer and one of a pair of Husky dogs.
Tag Archives: festival
Perth Street Stories: Cute (1)
Perhaps the biggest attraction of the Perth street winter festival – a handful of reindeer down from the Cairngorms. I can’t recall ever seeing them live and in the flesh before.
Perth Winter Festival: Stories (2)
Continuing the theme of things I saw on my travels around Perth one Saturday afternoon – this time, some rather more classical / stereotypical street-photography subjects in gritty black and white.
Perth Winter Festival: Stories (1)
Continuing the theme of things I saw around Perth one Saturday afternoon…
I have absolutely no idea what a chained-up dinosaur has to do with Christmas, but hey, I’ll let it live…
Perth Street Stories: groups
Back in November, Perth council thought to hold a winter street festival – never mind that it wasn’t Christmas, Advent (at the time) or even winter yet, at least it was a good excuse to get folks tramping past the shop windows.
Herewith, a handful of street scenes – a little different for me – this time, groups of humans.
I didn’t rate the bell-ringers very highly; the slow and disjoint performance (only identifiable by the title on the sheet music saying “Jingle Bells”) served only to distract at close range from the pop-noise coming from a couple of large speaker-stacks a little further down the pedestrian precinct.
Perth Winter Festival: Fireworks!
Don’t ask me why Perth council thought to have a winter festival in the middle of November, when it’s not Christmas, it’s not Advent and it’s not even Winter yet… but the fireworks were well pretty!